11 Spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person romantically

spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person romantically

Spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person romantically – Have you ever dreamed of someone you like? The Dream of meeting someone you want and desire certainly makes us wake up feeling happy. Maybe you even feel annoyed when you realize that all of it is just a flower bed.

For some people, dreams may just be meaningless sleeping flowers. But not a few also believe that dreams have meaning. Some even feel that dreams are a warning from the Universe, including dreams of people we like in the real world.

Aside from being a sleeping flower, the dreams of people we like also have a specific meaning, you know. According to Javanese ribbon, if you dream of someone you like repeatedly, he could be your soul mate in the future.

Whatever our beliefs about dreams, all adherents of religious communities are taught to believe that the Almighty has arranged human life; however, just to increase knowledge, many dream interpreters try to give a spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person romantically, like the following review!

Spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person romantically.

1. The Meaning of Dreaming of People We Like According to Psychology

Reporting from the Psycholo Genie page, the spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person romantically actually has a relatively simple meaning. When someone is in love, they tend to think about the person they desire, including having a great desire to be with him.

This is what triggers a person to dream of meeting someone he likes. The Dream is just a reflection of our psychological state of being crazy about someone. Dreams like this are, of course, typical and shared among people who are in love.

2. The Meaning of Dreaming of People We Like According to Myths

Many myths flow around dreams of meeting people we like. One that people often believe is that it is a sign that He also has the same feelings as us. Wow, then who wouldn’t be happy? But again, this is just a myth and does not have any scientific evidence.

3. The Meaning of Dreams of People We Like Repeatedly

Have you ever dreamed of someone repeatedly? If so, it turns out that this Dream can be a good sign. Dreaming of someone frequently could be a sign that they might be destined.

Especially if in the Dream, it is clear that the person looks suitable and destined, as if in a dream, he is having a wedding. Therefore, it’s good that when you get this Dream, you can increase your efforts and pray so that you will soon meet the soul mate chosen by Allah SWT.

4. The Meaning of Dreams of People We Like According to Islam

Mahmud Asy Syafrowi, in the book Islamic Dream Interpretation, writes that according to Ibn Hajar and al-Hakim, Allah SWT has assigned angels to take care of dream problems by looking at the human condition from the Law of Mahfudz. Then, the angels make dreams with the parable of every human story so that it becomes good news, a warning, or a rebuke.

Thus, if you Dream of someone repeatedly, that person may play an essential role in your life’s journey. Or, that person is the closest, so a solid mental bond is formed with him/her so that he/she is carried away to dreamland.

5. The Meaning of Dreams of Kissing People We Like

The meaning of dreaming of someone we like and kissing them is a way for our subconscious to give the green light to approach the person we want and seduce him. If you are having difficulty closing and conquering it, the subconscious will show that this is the right time to eliminate all the doubts and fears you are feeling.

6. The Meaning of Dreams of Hugging People We Like

The meaning of dreaming of someone we like and hugging that person shows that there will be an opportunity to start a new direction. This Dream also shows that comfortable feelings for each other are being felt. If the person we like hugs us, this can show that this person has made room in his heart.

7. The Meaning of Dreams of Talking to People We Like

The meaning of dreaming of someone we like and who is talking to us shows that many desires are felt so that this person can approach us. Remember that dreams sometimes have interpretations contrary to what you see. This Dream could indicate that this person wants to keep his distance from us. The subconscious is trying to tell you to maintain balance in your emotions because it could be that what you are feeling is just an obsession.

8. The meaning of dreams of walking with people we like

If any of Dream’s friends have dreams of walking with people they like, this is a good sign. Where you feel a sense of comfort, so does he who feels comfortable with you.

The presence of this Dream signifies that you and he will not take long to undergo a relationship. Even you and he can get closer and trust each other.

9. The Meaning of Dreams of Marrying Someone We Like

It’s different if Dream’s best friend dreams of marrying someone he likes. This is a sign that you are admiring someone. Not just a crush; that person could be a boyfriend, fiancé, or friend.

10. The Meaning of Dreams of Seeing People We Like

The dream meaning of seeing someone we like has several interpretations. It could be that Dream’s friend needs moral support from that person. Then it could also be that you are losing someone you have loved the most.

Then, maybe you are involved in an argument with someone you love. And the last possibility is that you hope to be able to meet the person you dream of.

11. spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person romantically close to other people

Friends of Dream must be careful if you experience dreams of people. We like being close to other people. Where in a relationship, there is jealousy that you are experiencing. On the other hand, it can also indicate that the person you like doesn’t like you and rejects or doesn’t return your love.

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